Integrated Quantum Information Technologies
Analog Quantum Simulators, Computers and Calculators R&D
​Why could wave-based analog systems pave the way for quantum computation?
Many quantum algorithms (except for measurement-based computations) exploits the principle of superposition which hosts multiple system modes at once. A system with many degrees of freedom can yield non-separable solutions that could potentially be used to realize analog 'many qubits'. The original term in quantum physics is the entanglement which is not mathematically distinguishable from non-separability (but physical 'non-locality' does if one likes). The entanglement among the qubits provides a natural massive parallelization (e.g. 1024 parallel computation for a 10 qubit system) and could potentially lead to 'quantum advantage'. One of the direction for analog computation is to investigate ways to realize non-separability in analog systems for quantum computing purposes. Hence, Enqubt carries out R&D activities in systems with non-separable waveforms.
​Cloud Analog QCs
It is possible to address NP-complete and a few NP-hard problems relevant for R&D and industrial solutions on a cloud system.
Research and Development activities of our team addressing an energy efficient, low-budget analog quantum computers
Quantum Modules
Room temperature, low power Analog Quantum-FPGAs